Iron House Sanitary District to Discuss $5 million Solar Investment

Doug Hardcastle, President of the Iron house Sanitary District, alerted the public to a meeting during last nights Oakley City Council Meeting to be held this Thursday at 7:00 pm at the Oakley City Council Chambers where they will be discussing adding a 1-megawatt solar panel.

They claim this $5 million investment (which would likely hit rate-payers) would reduce rate-payer rates in the future due to PG&E continual rising costs. General Manager Tom Williams, solar vendors, and others will be on hand to discuss the pro/cons of this investment.

Here is a copy of their flyer on their website:

Other than questioning the poor outreach of this meeting, the only question I have is how much are they asking from rate-payers and how much can they honestly expect to save us in the future? This is very little notice with very little details being put out prior to the meeting.

About burkforoakley

I call it like I see it . I love my city, I love my community and I want what is best for the people around me. Do the right thing, I will support you. Do the wrong thing, I will oppose you!
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